Thursday, December 6, 2012

Situation/SWOT Analysis

"Strengths include internal capabilities, resources, positive situational factors that may help the company to serve its customers and achieve its objectives." (Kotler, Gary Armstrong and Philip. Marketing: An Introduction for Education Management Corporation, Pg. 55) Our strengths would be how close we work with each of our suppliers, independent wholesalers/retailers and the select liquor stores we stock our products on their shelves. We have the ability to create buzz with this innovative brand of vodka that we have produced. Also our strong presence in creating social events at our distillery for people to come out to try out our vodka. Also we offer tours of our distillery and give them the rundown on what we use to make our vodka with and the history behind it. We also have a little bistro where people have the opportunity to eat a wide range of dishes made with some of the ingredients we use in our vodka. We offer all this to keep our customer values and customer relationships high. "Weaknesses include internal limitations and negative situational factors that may interfere with the company’s performance." (Kotler, Gary Armstrong and Philip. Marketing: An Introduction for Education Management Corporation, Pg. 55) Our greatest strength is also one of our greatest weaknesses among being advocates for hemp because majority of society associate hemp with marijuana. The idea of vodka distilled with hemp seeds might not catch on. "Opportunities are favorable factors or trends in the external environment that the company may be able to exploit to its advantage." (Kotler, Gary Armstrong and Philip. Marketing: An Introduction for Education Management Corporation, Pg. 55) Some opportunities that we can take advantage in the market is the ability to educate people about the uses of hemp. As stated before, people associate marijuana with hemp, so therefor we can put little pamphlets on our bottles and give information about hemp."And threats are unfavorable external factors or trends that may present challenges to performance." (Kotler, Gary Armstrong and Philip. Marketing: An Introduction for Education Management Corporation, Pg. 55) Threats that our company faces is the changing ever economy around us and in the British Columbia since we import our hemp seeds from there. We also face more companies jumping onto the hemp seed bandwagon and start making there own, making it a tougher market to compete in. 

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